My First And My Best

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10

As you start your day today, I encourage you to look for ways you can give your first and your best back to Yahweh.

I remember when I first got married. My husband and I received a lot of money on gift cards! Because he was new to the Kingdom, when I told him how much we should tithe he said, “Why are you tithing on gift cards?” I knew his heart, that he was teachable. I took a moment to explain that tithing is more than just giving 10% of your paycheck. A son that understands what tithing actually is will tithe on everything given to him because he recognizes all gain is from Yahweh’s hand.

From that moment forward, we positioned ourselves to pay attention to the details and always give back to Yahweh what belongs to Him. Deciding to be faithful over the “little things” is a decision you have to make, a standard you establish in your heart. We want Yahweh to find us trustworthy. If we’re given $1, we tithe at least .10 cents. If we’re given $1,000, we tithe at least $100.

I encourage you today to consider the little things. Have you given back to Yahweh what belongs to Him? Be faithful over those little things so that He can trust you with much! That is how we expand the Kingdom!