Be Kind

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

As you start your day today, take a moment to consider that everyone you come in contact with today has circumstances that you are unaware of. The person who hands you your coffee at the drive-thru window is going through things you will never know about. The guy at the gas pump next to you is walking out things that you’ll never know about. The person driving their car 10mph under the speed limit in front of you is dealing with things that you’ll never know about. Take a moment to consider that every single person you come in contact with, whether you speak to them or not, has an entire set of circumstances that you’ll never know about. Especially after Hurricane Ian! I challenge you to be kind and compassionate today!

Your kindness and compassion might be the only light in their day today!