Be Strong And Courageous

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous, what a mighty command.  For many of us, it seems easier said than done. Especially when you are facing opposition, a difficult circumstance or encountering the unknown.  More times than not, people tend to avoid or alter those situations due to worry, fear or anxiety.  But God gives a command, “be strong and courageous,” as you encounter those events.  But how can you do that? Is it something you just turn on or off? God uses Joshua’s situation as an example for us today on how to be strong and courageous.

Moses just died, and Yahweh was giving instruction to Joshua, the new leader of Israel.  He was assigning Joshua the daunting task to lead Israel into the Promise Land.  If you read Joshua 1:1-9, you will see Yahweh God giving encouragement, inspiration, purpose, and promises.  He directs Joshua three times in those nine verses to be strong and courageous.  See, Yahweh knew where Joshua was, and He met him right there.  Yahweh identified Joshua was feeling overwhelmed, anxious, worried, and fearful.  So, Yahweh redirected him to strength and courage, reassured him of His very presence, reminded him of their relationship, and inspired him to faith and obedience.  Through this process, Yahweh was increasing Joshua’s faith, to fulfill his directed purpose.  Faith is the key to strength and courage.  Yahweh was reminding Joshua of Who his God is, that He is always with him, and Joshua’s strength and courage is established in his faith in Yahweh and not in his own ability.

So, as you start you day, “Be strong and courageous!!!”  Know the God of the universe, the Creator of all things, the Great I am, Yahweh God is always with you.  He created you for great purpose, He wants to use you for His glory, the steps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord.  Allow Him to build your faith and you will be strong and courageous!

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6