Planted in His House, Part II

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

“They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God.” Psalms 92:13-15

Last week, we discussed the mandate and importance of being planted where Yahweh has placed you.  This week, we want to dig a little deeper into the value and purpose of being planted.   Specifically, we will address three critical points.

First, being planted in a church body provides accountability as you mature in your faith.  In James 5:16, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Proverbs 27:17, and 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Yahweh God outlines the many advantages of being a part of something greater than oneself.  He never meant for a person to walk alone in their faith; He created His church body to fill that void.   In doing so, the church provides different relationships which can promote accountability as one lives his or her life for Christ.  Some examples of this would be, a brother to “sharpen” you as you deal with a sin, a sister to pray healing for you as you face an illness, or a minister to lift you up when you are going through a difficult season.  Each of these examples provide someone to walk with as you embrace life.  It reinforces Christ, which in turn administers accountability of one’s faith.

Secondly, it provides protection.  All throughout scripture, it is noted that the enemy, the world, temptations, or our own vices come at us when we are alone.  Consider the many great men and women of scripture and the incidences when they gave into poor choices, ending in debauched results.   There is David and Bathsheba, there is Samuel and Delilah, there is Judas who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  These men were alone when they did what they did.  They did not pursue the protection a body of believers can provide.  Refer to Proverbs 18:1, 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Corinthians 7:5, and Romans 16:17-19.  Consider your own life; when have you made a poor choice, or looked at something you should not, or participated in something you know is inappropriate.  Most make these choices alone because there is no protection or accountability which can guide you in those moments.

Lastly, being planted provides the opportunity for growth through the utilization of gifts and talents. In Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 4:11-16, and 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Yahweh God identifies the significance of gifts/talents and defines how valuable it is in the body of Christ. It is an opportunity of giving and receiving from one another.  Church is not just a place to receive but a place one can sow; a place where a believer’s gifts/talents can mature and develop so that the Kingdom can ever increase.  Too often, believers forget they have something to contribute.  With that being said, we are called to be properlyaligned to the authority of the church, for the church cannot be a free for all.

Therefore, as you start your day, consider where you are called to be planted.  Are you all in and an active part?  Are you accountable to the church body? Are you protected, and protecting those you are joined to?  This is to encourage us all to re-evaluate our walk with Christ, not to pass judgment.  So, let’s get planted!