Listen to Understand

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

Recently at a Rock Mommy Tribe gathering, one of the Mother’s brought a key to share with the group. She said, “When raising your children, it is important to listen to understand not listen to respond.” This really ministered to me. While a response is almost always necessary, it is very easy to listen to respond instead of listening to understand.

I’ve been considering this key since she brought it to us. How can I apply this in my relationships? How often have I been listening to quickly respond rather than understand the heart that is speaking to me? I think sometimes our reference points get in the way. We hear someone say something familiar, or the tone is familiar, or the attitude is familiar, and it causes us to quickly muster a response based off of a reference point that was not made by that individual.

Today I encourage you to consider each person you have a conversation with. Listen to understand them better. Listen to understand how Holy Spirit can use you to minister. Don’t allow your old reference points to get in the way of you being the light of God to them in that moment. Don’t listen to respond. Respond when Holy Spirit prompts you to, in the way He prompts you to.