Be Razor-Sharp

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) 17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

“Iron sharpens iron” is a well-known assertion of how the sons of God should be with one another. It emphasizes the necessity of people needing other people. I once heard a story about how a dull knife is still a knife, but it does not become sharp until there has been some friction applied to it. And this same principle applies to our lives. Regardless of what profession you have, relationships you are in, or ministries you are a part of, there must be some “friction” to instill change, improvement, and transformation.

Friction does not mean manipulating, humiliating, or dividing. “Holy” friction is founded on accountability, responsibility, and love. For example, this past week, I experienced this holy friction firsthand. I made a statement and shared some thoughts, and quickly a brother brought clarity and honesty to help me navigate life. The brother came from a position of love, not manipulation. He held me accountable, but not to humiliate me. And he was responsible to me and Yahweh to speak the truth to strengthen our relationship, not to divide it. This is how you can tell the difference between a brother and an adversary.

Being sharp as a son requires something from each active participant. In fact, I dare say those beautiful, precious moments are an expression of His visitation to those involved. My brother and I experienced that visitation. I experienced it through my brother’s advice and correction, and he through my willingness to hear and receive.

So, as you start your day, consider your own life and those moments of friction. Holy friction may hurt; it may cause some angst and even dejection. But remember who you are called to walk with and trust. Yahweh did not make a mistake by putting people in your life to sharpen you and cause a little friction. Let us not just be a knife but a razor-sharp one.