Little Foxes

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

“Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.” Song of Solomon 2:15 (ESV)

Let’s talk about cute little critters that seemingly look harmless to our vineyards(relationships). Most everyone in the House knows that small children, whether yours, your grandchildren, or others around, LOVE rabbits, squirrels, mice, puppies, and kittens! They don’t know the difference between the ones that are harmless and the ones that can destroy things with a quick chew and run. All the kids know is… they’re cute! Most of us don’t deal with foxes, but for the sake of this talk, and the scripture reference, I will include them in the group of cuteness… stick with me.
We all have relationships at various levels in our lives, and deal with the little problems that come along with keeping close to those around us, protecting them from potential harm. Many times we can overlook the “small” things in those areas because they are not obvious, or they appear to be too cute to ruin anything. The “little foxes” are trying to spoil your vine!
Today, as you go about tending the vineyards that the Lord has given you, be aware of the little things, seemingly harmless(but they’re so cute) moments that can come between you and those relationships. Most importantly, don’t “feed” the little foxes by entertaining the small critter’s attempt to damage the very thing you desire to have. Be bold and scatter those foxes, and keep those areas of your life growing in YHWH and His Kingdom.