Trust Him

The Rock of Central Florida   -  
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.
Joel 2:13
I read a phrase this week: “transformed people transform people.” Remember that for us to continue the work of Christ, the inner work must be authentic. If we’re shallow or simply parroting the words of others, there is little transformation. Allow the work of Holy Spirit to enter into the deep places of your life. As this verse says, rend your heart, not your garment. In other words, what is happening in your mind and heart is what’s important, not your appearance or how the world perceives you. It’s so natural to focus on the external – on what instead of why. Take time today, and every day, to be sure that your heart is involved in your life of faith.
Whatever your circumstances, remember this verse, and that Yahweh receives you with grace and compassion. He starts from a place of love for you and desires for you to have peace and joy. I don’t want to focus on rend as in “break,” but more to give true attention to your inner person today. We all want to be people of healing, to navigate life with the discernment that Christ did, and to have the mind of Christ is to really set your heart in Yahweh’s hands. Trust Him with who you are in this very moment! He will secure you in His hands and guide you in His ways, and the dividends of that relationship will benefit more than yourself!