Yahweh is Faithful

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

1 Thessalonians 5:24

Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will do it.

I greet you on this day that was created just for you!  Have you ever
had a dream in your heart and then it came to pass?  What an amazing and
glorious experience! But, what happens if that dream becomes challenging
or struggles arise?  It is very possible that they will.  In those
times, I encourage you to remember the words in 1 Thessalonians 5:24.
Many years ago our family travelled to Panama City to honor F. Nolan
Ball and in his rich deep voice he declared this at their anniversary
service.  I never forgot that moment.  It was powerful and overflowing
with TRUTH!  If you are walking in a situation today this is
challenging, I encourage you to rehearse these words and be reminded
that HE WILL DO IT!  Yahweh is so FAITHFUL and He gets all the glory and
honor!  Keep moving because He will open up a pathway that you did not
even know was an option.  His strategies for his faithful sons is
miraculous!  Have an amazing day!